Sunday 27 April 2014

Turdus pilaris, fieldfare, gråtrost

The fieldfare is commonly seen in parks, where it walks the lawn, tilting it's head slightly while listening for insects and earthworms:

Lumix GH3 camera with Lumix G 100-300mm f/4-5.6 at ISO 320, 1/500s, 300mm, f/7.1.

In the autumn, their diet consists mostly of berries. If they found a lot of berries, they some times stay during the winter, but mostly they migrate to Southern Europe during October-November.

When alarmed, they make a harsh "tsak tsak tsak" sound to warn other birds, usually while flying away.

Up in Northern Europe, the breeding season starts quite late, perhaps as late as July. The female builds the nest, often on the ground, and with little concealment. The adults will defend the nests aggressively. Each clutch usually has five to six eggs, and the female does most of the incubation.

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